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Dr. Huanan Li

Dr. Huanan Li
Dr. Li received her Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree from Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio. She has received advanced training in intravenous sedation, oral surgery, endodontics, Invisalign, restorative dental procedures, sleep apnea, and oral sleep appliances. She gained experience and expertise in various facets of dentistry practicing in both Alaska and Washington.

In addition to her degree in dentistry, she acquired a master’s degree in nutrition which she incorporates into her patient’s care. Dr. Li’s approach toward patient care is that of kindness, compassion, and honesty while delivering high-quality care. She treats her patients the way she would want her family to be treated. Dr. Li radiates with positive energy and possesses a genuinely warm and charismatic personality.

Fun Facts

Dr. Li has a Shetland Sheepdog named Julius.
She enjoys time outdoors, surrounded by nature.
She is always trying to learn something new.
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